William S. Moses

Picture of Me! Hi! I’m William (Billy) Moses and welcome to my blog: Life, the Universe, and Everything!

I’m a PhD student at MIT studying computer science. Previously, I attended MIT as an undergraduate and M.Eng in computer science and physics. Before that, I attended Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) in Northern Virginia.

My research focuses on building compiler representations and language semantics that provide expert-level performance and composability without burdening end-users, library authors, or compiler-writers.

I work in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) advised by Prof. Charles Leiserson. My current research interests include: automatic differentiation, performance engineering, parallel computing/HPC, machine learning, and quantum computing.


Some of the various projects I've worked on


A compiler extension that allows for concise representation of parallel code and enables optimizations to be performed on parallel code

Computational Complexity of Arranging Music

A look into the computational complexity of arranging music when subject to various constraints.

Online Adaptive Frequency Hopping

A machine-learning algorithm that is able to improve network stability and throughput through opportunistic access and environmental modeling.